The story is set on the eve of Crawley Fashion Week. A number of models, designers and other Fash Pack famous have been invited by elite designer, Eve San Loren to a star-studded launch party for the upcoming event at Eve’s mansion just outside Crawley. But supermodel Cindy Crawfish was killed by two bullets during a burglary at Special NK Make Up Emporium on the outskirts of Crawley last week. Her assailant escaped and has yet to be caught. All the guests are aware of the details through the website pages of fashion influencer and ex-model Cat Walker. Some of the fashionistas are murmuring that her death was no tragic accident. She had her enemies. Was Cindy an innocent bystander or the actual target? And if so: was she the only one on the hit list or will there be more...?
Eve San Loren
World famous and very glamorous French fashion designer. She is the host of the evening’s soiree. She is launching her new collection at this year’s Crawley Fashion Week but would she kill bright, young influencer, Cindy Crawfish, to protect her
Belle Bottom
One of the top fashion influencers, she is the arch-rival of Cat Walker. She is launching a new YouTube channel and has a lucrative sponsorship but she has crippling debts. Would she murder to keep her failures from coming out?
Blossom Hill
Blossom is an ex-glamour model with a head for business and an eye for the boys. Married to rapper K Eff See she appears to have the perfect marriage, but lately there are rumours she is far from happy.
Eliza Doitall
Assistant to power-player Icy De Wintour, Eliza is kind, loveable and won’t hear a word said against her fearsome boss. Does she have some hold over Icy that keeps things
Ella McHearty
A modern earth-mother, determined to change the industry’s track record for destroying people and planet, Ella is often pitted against the rich and powerful. Just how angry would her commitment to climate justice make her?
Icy De Wintour
The universally feared editor-in-chief of Vague Magazine has been heard muttering about having to share the Frow with the latest green-behind-the-ears influencer. She’s trying to make the magazine more relevant by using them to write articles, but what would happen if they really threatened her power?
Jasmine Le BonBon
While this stunning ex-model is still involved in the fashion scene she’s no longer at its heart. She’s incredibly clever but arrogant and looks down on the world that used to adore her. Would she kill to protect her new reputation as an intellectual?
Victoria Secret
Ex-wife of Graham Gucci and current wife of star table tennis player David Peckham, Victoria is always looking for the next business opportunity. She needs to with David’s never-ending taste for clothes. Did her partnership with Cindy go awry? And
would it lead her to murder?
Annie Evilblitz
Annie is the celebrity photographer who knows everyone, and everything about everyone! She namedrops all the time but having all the inside information can be dangerous...
Let murder commence!